Sun in Capricorn

See What Can Happen When the Sun Enters the Sign of Capricorn!

By Nataly Porter

Published: Dec 20, 2021

December 21 is not only the shortest day of the year but also the day when the Sun enters the House of Capricorn. During this astrological season, it is recommended to draw attention to yourself, analyze your behavior, concentrate on your experience and self-image, your plans and desires. Your future depends on your current state, so it is the best time to decide what should be reviewed or changed.

Aries Horoscope


young girl in a suit choosing a path

This month, you should really be attentive and vigilant. Your doubts concerning the chosen direction (e.g. career, relationships, personal projects, some significant purchases, countries to spend your vacation in, etc.) may be resolved – life is going to give you clear signs of it. And you just have to catch and recognize them.

You will also find yourself ready to live through some personal transformations that may influence your attitude to power and authority. You will widen the circle of your responsibilities, become more initiative and resolute. Your leader’s nature that has been sleeping before may reveal itself.

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Taurus Horoscope

For you, this period is going to become a time of adventure – in every possible way. These adventures may be not only physical but mental, too. Thus, be ready to discover new places, foreign countries, new people, as well as new comprehensions and insights that may turn your life paradigm upside down.

Importantly, you should be open to these changes and developments. Let yourself be involved in unexpected ventures, try yourself in a new role, and don’t be afraid of doing some new things unusual to you. Remember: “The road will rise to meet the one who walks it.”

Gemini Horoscope


black couple having a drink on a beach

The Sun in Capricorn will move through your 8th House of Intimacy, and it means that you’re to make the bonds with your close ones tighter. It can also mean that your current relationship means more to you than before. Be ready to express your deepest emotions and share your deepest thoughts.

If there are any subconscious fears you’ve been suffering from lately the Sun in Capricorn will bring them all to the limelight. But this will lead to highly positive consequences for you as you’ll finally understand what steps you need to take to release yourself from them.

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Cancer Horoscope

The Capricorn Sun will travel through your 7th House of Partnership giving you a wonderful opportunity to find a new love or to make your current relationship deeper. If you want to achieve your relationship goals, the best approach you can choose is to stay highly pragmatic, realistic, and systematic.

Sort yourself out and try to understand what you want; this will be your first step to making your dreams and plans more real. Pluto will also be in the arena now, so in the next several years, you can expect intense agents of transformation to appear in your life.

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Leo Horoscope


dark-haired woman writing and smiling

The Sun in Capricorn will stay in your 6th House of Work and Duties, making you pay more attention to everyday things. Your main task this month is to become more organized and efficient with common things as it will help you save some energy to focus on the most important things.

Pluto will also be in Capricorn and your 6th House during this period and will make your desire to reach new heights even more intense. Think carefully – what skills do you need to fulfill your newly formulated mission? As soon as you find the answer, you’ll unlock better-than-ever prospects!

Virgo Horoscope

Capricorn and Virgo natives have always competed in their workaholic tendencies. But this time, the Sun is in your 5th House of Play and Pleasure, meaning that this month, all the hard work can give you a lot of fun, too! You’re to find out what makes you really happy and make a New Year's resolution to bring more fun and joy to your everyday life.

Pluto will stay in the same part of your chart, and it means that you’ll have to get rid of something old that has been weighing you down to find a new source of inspiration. Use this time to sort yourself out and understand what you need to become truly happy!

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Libra Horoscope


happy family looking at the sunset

The Sun is moving through your 4th House of Home and Family, and it signifies the period when you’re to pay more attention to your domestic life. Make sure you have a good base to achieve your outer goals. Make it clear what you need to become more effective, as it will help you unleash your inner potential.

You need a systematic approach to make your life well-organized. Pluto will travel through your chart, too, so you’ll need significant decluttering in your physical and emotional sphere. Spending more time with your family and close friends will make the process much more pleasant!

Scorpio Horoscope

The Sun in Capricorn is traveling through your 3rd House of Mind activating all your mental strength and concentration. This is the ideal time for you to focus on the activities that demand a lot of brainpower, like writing, speaking, or studying.

The people you meet every day can give you much useful information connected to your work, so don’t neglect this chance. Pluto will also stay in your third House, encouraging you to forget about past mistakes and misfortunes and move ahead. Follow its advice to succeed!

Sagittarius Horoscope

young woman in glasses relaxing in a cafe

The Sun in Capricorn will move through your 2nd House of Resources, which means you’re to activate your mental strength and become more serious about your financial issues. Last month, you made a fresh start, and today, you’re to work hard to fulfill all you’ve planned.

If you’re careful about your money this month, you can easily establish a good base for the year to come. Pluto will travel through your chart in this period, too, and you can get a chance to change your source of income.

Capricorn Horoscope

Capricorn, your time has come! The Sun is currently in your First House of Self, and it means you get into a new cycle of success and fortune. You start your personal new year, so it’s high time you thought about the best possible way of presenting yourself to the world.

In this time period, you can decide to encourage changes inside yourself that will be later reflected in the outer ones. Pluto will be in your sign now, and it will bring about lots of new transformations. Be ready to let go of some of your past ideas to let a new version of you come into the world.

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Aquarius Horoscope


young black woman meditating on a beach

The coming Capricorn season is very important for you as the Sun moves through your House, the 12th House of the Unconscious. Now you’re to have some rest and to recover for the rebirth of the next month.

What you need in this period is music, meditation, and poetry to feel calm and balanced. You get your special chance to open new sources of wisdom and revise your opinions. Pluto will be in your 12th House now, too, so your relationship will undergo a real revolution!

Pisces Horoscope

It becomes easier for you to formulate your long-term goals and plans because the Capricorn Sun – a symbol of pragmatism and rationality – enters your 11th House of Hopes and Wishes. Your older friends will help you gain enough practical wisdom that will make all your dreams come true!

Try to establish more social contacts and get involved with your community to become more energetic and active. Pluto will enter your 11th House, too, and you will be ready to start new transformations and share the precious things you possess with the world.

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